Rubber Ducky Cupcake

There are so many reasons to have a rubber ducky at your party. Maybe you’re having a Sesame Street birthday party (Ernie’s favorite toy!), maybe you are having a cute baby shower, or maybe you’re just having a pool party….regardless the reason, rubber ducky cupcakes are so cute, so fun, and easy to make. Oh and they will totally wow all of your guests- children and adults alike! These make such fun take home edible favors too!

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The cupcake design is inspired from the book, What’s New Cupcake? by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson. Being on the cover of the book, this really is an impressive cupcake!

To build it you need:


donut holes (for the head)

marshmallows, cut in half diagonally (for the tails)

vanilla frosting (white)

yellow food coloring

mini m&ms ( I could not find mini anywhere! So I have giant dilated duckie eyes)

soft orange candy such as Airheads, Starburst, or Tootsie Rolls (cut or molded to shape the beak)

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Having all of your materials ready ahead of time is essential because once you dip your duck into the melted frosting, you have just a few moments before it starts hardening to add the eyes and beak. It is also absolutely necessary to REFRIGERATE the ducks after you attach the head and tail and let it harden. I did not do this step at first so every time I dunked the little ducks into the yellow melted frosting, my duckies became decapitated…no need for those pictures!

You will need a firm frosting to attach all the pieces of the duck’s body and to coat it in yellow. I whipped up this heavenly, fluffy, melt in your mouth vanilla bean frosting I make from scratch. Don’t worry. It’s very easy, and more importantly, so worth it. Seriously, it is amazing. Sure, you could always use store-bought frosting, but check out the ingredient list. It’s scary. Homemade is way better!

First, attach the donut hole as the duck’s head and the half marshmallow as the tail. Use plenty of frosting to get it stuck on well, and coat it up the sides of the pieces to “seal” it in. Set it into the freezer for 15 minutes so that it hardens and does not fall apart when you dunk it into the melted frosting later.


Meanwhile, as the newly assembled ducks are cooling and hardening, stir some yellow food coloring into the remaining frosting and melt in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Do not overheat!


Once they have hardened and the donut hole-head and marshmallow tail is secure, dip the ducks into the melted frosting. Rotate the cupcake carefully and slowly to fully cover all parts.


Add on a dot of white frosting to stick on some eyes (m&ms) and the beak (the orange taffy candy).

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