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“Whining” & Dining

“Whining” & Dining

 Miami        Chicago        San Francisco     Traverse City (coming soon)              My husband and I have always loved to eat out, and we did not really stop once we had kids. We are not interested in […]

Passion Stars

Passion Stars

We really enjoyed pretending to be at a beach laying out and sipping our Tropical Paradise smoothies we went for it again. I got some lovely fragrant passion fruits from Whole Foods (they are ripe when starting to wrinkle) and juicy starfruit.  Passionfruit is a very […]

Tropical Paradise

Tropical Paradise


I always get the winter blues, but this winter is just brutal! I’ve been snowed in too many days to handle 2 small children in a not so spacious home. My daughter’s school has been cancelled enough times to make me lose my mind, and I just really want to feel some warm Sun. We whipped up a deliciously refreshing vitamin boosting smoothie to  help ward of the cold and other ailments spreading around. Sipping this ice cold refresher made us feel like we were sun bathing on a beach to help us get through these “rough” days.

This was actually my first time trying papaya, and it was not my favorite when I ate it on its own. I could only assume it is because the fruit was not in season nor very ripe. But in this smoothie with the banana and pineapple, it was heaven! The papaya is a tropical fruit rich in an enzyme called papain which helps digest proteins. Papain also provides anti-inflammatory effects shown to heal burns as well as reduce inflammation caused by trauma, asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Papaya fruits are also one of the most highly concentrated fruits in vitamin C,  providing more than the daily value, is very high in vitamin A, and is also rich in potassium, fiber, lycopene, and folate. The nutrients from the vitamins A and C help prevent heart disease as it prevents cholesterol from oxidizing and sticking and building up on blood vessel walls (read more here). Potassium is essential for maintaining a healthy heart beat, maintaing a normal blood pressure, and promoting health of the muscles. Papaya is also a source of the antioxidant lycopene which is essential to reducing the risk of cancer, macular degeneration (age-related loss of vision), and heart disease.

The wonderful thing about making smoothies is that you are allowing your body to consume a larger quantity of fruits and vegetables, increasing your intake of all of these wonderful nutrients. Including smoothies, purees and dips,  and soups of raw and whole produce into your daily diet is an excellent way of improving your health and intake of necessary vitamins and minerals! Just be sure to stay away from adding sugar and other unhealthy additives. I usually add a banana, dates, or a tablespoon of honey if added sweetness is necessary but in most cases the produce picked at season tastes fabulous on its own!
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Tropical Paradise
Serves 2
A refreshing blend of papaya, banana, and frozen pineapple giving a huge dose of vitamin C
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Prep Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
  1. 1 papaya, seeds removed
  2. 1 banana
  3. 1/4 c water
  4. 1/2 c frozen pineapple (or fresh, plus ice)
  1. Slice the papaya in half and scoop the flesh out with a table spoon.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree on high for 45 seconds.
Sugar & Garlic

Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken Tikka Masala

With fresh garlic, ginger, and turmeric root blended in a sauce of lemon and tomato how could anyone resist this? My 100% authentic Indian girlfriend, Farheen, suggested which spices to use and taught me the importance of using fresh whole spices to toast and then grind before […]